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Cloverbelt Credit Union

Saver's Sweepstakes

Congratulations January Winners! 

January Saver’s Sweepstakes winners in the statewide $100 drawing wereJerome S., Terry L., and James S. 

The $100 winner in the CCU member-only drawing was Rosalene M. 

Congratulations to all!

Saver's Sweepstakes Account Agreement

Cloverbelt Credit Union wants to help you save and win! Introducing Saver’s Sweepstakes® – a prize-linked savings account that gives you a chance to win $100, $1,000, or even $5,000!

We understand that saving money is a challenge. It can be hard to get started and even harder to keep the habit going. With a Saver’s Sweepstakes account, you could be rewarded for putting aside as little as $25 each month. Over time, this savings can build up to help establish better habits and give you a nest egg to boot.

Annually, one lucky member from a participating Wisconsin credit union will win $5,000!!!!  Dozens of other  prizes are awarded monthly for $100 and quarterly for $1,000. In addition, every month CCU will award an extra $100 prize to a Cloverbelt Credit Union member. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Open a Saver’s Sweepstakes account at any CCU office with as little as $5 and commit to saving for the next 12 months. There are no restrictions on withdrawals but the more you save, the more chances you have to earn CASH prizes.
  • For every $25 increase in your balance month over month you earn one prize drawing entry, up to six entries each month.
  • At the end of every month, quarter and once annually, eligible entries will be put into drawings of all Saver’s Sweepstakes accountholders at participating credit unions.
  • Prize drawings are for CASH of $100 (monthly), $1,000 (quarterly) and $5,000 (annually)
  • In addition, every month CCU will award an extra $100 prize to a Cloverbelt Credit Union member.

For more information about the Saver’s Sweepstakes account, check out the Frequently Asked Questions page below.  You can also access a list of all of the Saver's Sweepstakes winners throughout Wisconsin. Or, just ask us! We want to help you win, WIN WIN!!!

Type Dividend Rate APY*
Saver's Sweepstakes Savings
($25 minimum for dividends)
0.350 0.350
* Annual percentage yield

 Saver's Sweepstakes CCU Winners

Saver's Sweepstakes Statewide Winners